If Number 9 is missing from the Lu Shu Grid chart, the person will miss the characteristics and traits of Mars.
Number 9 in Lo Shu Grid
Number 9 represents the fire element and lies in the South of the Lo Shu Grid. 9 Number is of Mars and stands for reputation. If Number 9 is missing from your Lo Shu Grid chart, the name and fame of the person will decrease, and struggles will increase in life.
Uncover how number 9 in the Lo shu grid brings name and fame to you, consult Dr. J C Chaudhry

Missing Number 9 in Lo Shu Grid
Missing Numbers in Lo Shu Grid have an impact on a person’s life. Due to Missing Number 9 in Lo Shu Grid, the following issues can arise:
- People with Missing Number 9 struggle more in life and don't get Name and Fame even after a lot of hard work.
- The person with Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 9 has to face many difficulties in life.
- The individual has to suffer financially due to negligence in money matters.
- Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 9 makes a person insensitive and ignorant.
- They are mostly impulsive & don’t think before acting.
Missing Number 9 Remedies
One cannot completely remove the impact of Missing Number 9 from a person’s life. There are remedies to cure the effects of Missing Number 9 in the birth chart.
- As you know, Number 9 symbolizes the fire element and is placed in the South direction in the magic square. Keeping pictures of fire or a red bulb in the South direction can be helpful.
- Donate red lentils to the needy.
- The lucky colour of Number 9 is Red. Wear red thread on the wrist to cure the adverse effects of Missing Number 9 in the Lo Shu Grid.
Lo shu grid Numerology Consultation
Lo Shu Grid Repeat Number 9
Repetition of Number 9 in Lou Shu Grid has both negative and positive outcomes based upon the number of times it occurs in the Lo Shu Grid. Number 9 can repeat once, twice, thrice, four times or even more in the Lo Shu Grid.
- If Number 9 comes twice in Lo Shu Grid, the person will have the desirable characteristics. An individual will be wise, intelligent and idealistic.
- If Number 9 comes thrice in Lo Shu Grid, it is good as the person is caring and always gives priority to the happiness of others. But, they can become frustrated quickly over minor issues.
- If Number 9 comes four or more times in Lo Shu Grid, the person is brilliant, but find it hard to deal with the everyday world.
Know about Your Missing Number