If Number 4 is missing from the Lu Shu Grid, the person will miss the energy of Uranus. The characteristics associated with 4 Number will be missing.
Number 4 in Lo Shu Grid
Number 4 is ruled by Uranus and represents the wood element. Uranus is responsible for luck and wealth. If Number 4 is present in the Lo-Shu Grid, the person possesses luck and fortune. But, if Number 4 is missing in the Lo Shu Grid chart, financial problems can arise.
Learn and understand about number 4 in the Lo shu grid numerology, consult Dr. J C Chaudhry

Missing Number 4 in Lo Shu Grid
Missing Numbers in Lo Shu Grid is due to past consequences or karmas. The person can have various problems like:
- An individual whose Lo Shu Grid is Missing Number 4 can face money-related problems.
- Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 4 leads to emotional suffering and a lack of self-confidence.
- Missing Number 4 in Lo Shu Grid also make people prone to accidents.
- They find it difficult to set a routine.
- They are frequently disorganized & lack motivation.
Missing Number 4 Remedies
Missing Number 4 in the Lu Shu Grid chart has enormous losses. To mitigate the negative effect of this Missing Number in a person’s life, one can incorporate Missing Number 4 remedies.
- Missing Number 4 in Lo Shu Grid indicates the wood element is missing from the person’s life. Use of wooden items like pen, pencil, keychain is recommended.
- Light green bulb in South East to strengthen it.
- Number 4 lies in the South East and represents the wood element. Keep pictures of green plants in the South-East direction to make up for the missing number 4.
Lo shu grid Numerology Consultation
Lo Shu Grid Repeat Number 4
Repetition of Number 4 in the Lo Shu Grid has a good and bad impact on the individual’s life. 4 Number can occur once, twice, thrice, four times or more in the Lou Shu Grid.
- If Number 4 is coming twice in Lo Shu Grid, it is good as their creative power increases; they become good in administrative work and physical, materialistic activity also increases.
- If Number 4 is coming thrice in Lo Shu Grid, the person will be self-disciplined and hard-working, which is a good personality trait.
- If Number 4 is coming four times in Lo Shu Grid, the mental smartness or thought process decreases and labour work increases.
- If Number 4 is coming five times, six times or more in Lo Shu Grid, it is not good as it results in negative outcomes and downfall in life.
Know about Your Missing Number