If Number 1 is missing from the Lo Shu Grid chart, the person will lack the prominent characteristics of Number 1.
Number 1 in Lo Shu Grid
Number 1 is an important number in Lo Shu Grid which represents the water element. Number 1 is related to career and planning. If this number is missing in your Lo-Shu Grid chart, you can face challenges in your career and planning.
Understand how number 1 in the Lo shu grid impacts your life, consult Dr. J C Chaudhry
Missing Number 1 in Lo Shu Grid
Missing Numbers in Lo Shu Grid has an impact on a person’s life
- People with Missing Number 1 in their Lo Shu Grid can face career-related problems.
- Lo Shu Grid Missing Number 1 lead to low willpower, courage, and self-confidence in the person.
- People who do not have Number 1 in their Lo Shu Grid don't bother about thier self-respect.
- For Missing Number 1, it is hard to express their innermost feeling and individuality.
- They sometimes forget about thinking for themselves and keep on helping others.
Missing Number 1 Remedies
One can’t completely get rid of the impact of Missing Number 1 in Lo Shu Grid. But, there are remedies that can lower the harmful effects of Missing Number 1.
- Missing Number 1 in Lo Shu Grid indicates that water element is missing from one’s life. Keep an aquarium in the North direction of the house to replenish the water element.
- You can also place a small Fountain in your home to enhance the water element.
- Offer prayers and worship Surya Yantra to please the God of Number 1, Sun.
Lo shu grid Numerology Consultation
Lo Shu Grid Repeat Number 1
Repetition of the Number 1 in Lo Shu Grid will have both positive and negative effects. Number 1 can repeat once, twice, thrice, or more in the birth chart. Based upon the number of occurrences, it affects the person’s life.
- If Number 1 is coming twice in Lo Shu Grid, it is considered good because the person will have a balanced personality. The individual is expressive and able to communicate effectively his own self as well as outwardly.
- If Number 1 is coming thrice in Lo Shu Grid, the person is talkative. Due to this, the individual is often seen as an entertainer.
- If Number 1 is present four times and more in Lo Shu Grid, the person finds it difficult to express views verbally. Prefers to communicate in writing.
Know about Your Missing Number