People born on dates 7, 16 or 25 of any month will have 7 as their Psychic number.
Number 7 as Psychic Number
Number 7 is not considered a good number as Psychic Number. So, if your Psychic number is 7, it may bring you some difficulties in life because of the date you born on. Driver number 7 people are good speakers who can easily win in arguments with others.
To know more about the psychic number and its importance in life, consult Dr. J C Chaudhry.

Ruling Planet of Number 7
The ruling planet of number 7 is Ketu (Neptune). The people born on date 7, 16 or 25 of any month are all ruled and influenced by Ketu and the best qualities of Ketu are clearly visible in these people. Sun, Moon, Uranus, Mercury are friendly planets of Neptune. So, the people ruled by these planets will also be friendly to number 7 people. Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mars are enemies to Neptune, so the numbers 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 are unfriendly to number 7 people.
Personality & Characteristics of Psychic Number 7
Psychic Number Numerology Consultation
Best Profession for Psychic/Driver/Birth Numerology Number 7
Psychic number 7 can do well in professions like – Import and Export Business, Trading, Scientist, Dentist, Petrochemical, share market, Gamblers, Strategic Planning.
Lucky Day
Monday is good day for number 7 people. If Mondays fall on any of the dates mentioned above, they bring more beneficial results.
Lucky Colours
- Smoky brown or Grey Green are the most favourable colours for number 7 natives.
- They should avoid black and use it as little as possible.
Lucky Years for Psychic Number 7
The lucky years of their life when they can gain unexpected financial growth, promotion, their marriage, children or anything else which will be in favour to them are 7th, 16th, 25th, 34th, 43rd and 52nd years. Also, the 10th, 19th, 28th, 37th, 46th, 55th, 64th, 73rd and 82nd years of life are favourable to them.
Number 7 Numerology Compatibility
Famous Personalities Born on Number 7
Divya Bharti, Charlie Chaplin, Arvind Kejriwal, Nick Jonas, Hema Malini, Saif Ali Khan, M S Dhoni, Mayank Agarwal, Arijit Singh, Anupam Kher, Katrina Kaif, Shahid Kapoor
Know about Your Number