People born on dates 3, 12, 21 or 30 of any month will have 3 as their Psychic number.
Number 3 as Psychic Number
Number 3 is considered a good number as Psychic Number. So, if your Psychic number is 3, it brings you a lot of benefits. Driver number 3 is the number of ambitious people who want to achieve something great in life and are remembered by their future generations.
To know more about the psychic number and its importance in life, consult Dr. J C Chaudhry.

Ruling Planet of Number 3
The ruling planet of Number 3 is Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of wisdom and knowledge which helps for a successful career. Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars are the friendly planets of Jupiter. So, people ruled by these planets will be friendly to people having their ruling planet Jupiter. Uranus and Neptune are unfriendly to Jupiter, therefore, numbers 4 and 7 people will be unfriendly to 3 number people
Personality & Characteristics of Psychic Number 3
Psychic Number Numerology Consultation
Best Profession for Psychic/Driver/Birth Numerology Number 3
Psychic number 3 can do well in professions like – Real Estate, Property Dealer, Construction, Music, Singing, Artistic, Composer, Civil Engineering, Architect, Interior Designing, CA, Banker
Lucky Day
Thursday is the lucky day of Psychic number 3 people. Try to take all your important decisions on Thursday and plan your important events on this day.
Lucky Colours
- Yellow is the lucky colour for Number 3. They can also use blue.
- They can use yellow, blue on their important days or events or use these colours for bedsheets, pillow covers, curtains, wall colours etc.
- The colours you should avoid are red and black.
Lucky Years for Psychic Number 3
The lucky years of your life when you can gain unexpected financial growth, promotion, your marriage, children or anything else which will be in favour to you are the 3rd year, the 12th, 21st, 30th, 39th, 48th, 57th, 66th and 75th are the good years. Any other year which is divisible by three can also be beneficial.
Number 3 Numerology Compatibility
- The friendly and compatible numbers for Number 3 are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9.
- Number 7 is an average compatible Number with 3 and Number 4 have unfriendly relation with Number 3
- Numbers 1, 3, 5, 6, 9 are good for marriage for Psychic Number 3, whereas numbers 7 and 4 should be avoided for marriage