Numerology is all about numbers. The date of birth numerology helps to know your luck by numbers
Date of Birth Number
Date of Birth is crucial for Numerology calculations. By calculating your numbers, you can know about your lucky numbers and future predictions based upon numbers. If the Date of Birth is wrong, the Psychic and Destiny numbers will be incorrect, and predictions will not be correct.

Importance of Date of Birth in Numerology
In Numerology calculations, the Date of Birth is significant. Date of Birth is used for Psychic and Destiny number calculation and to check the Numerology compatibility of the numbers.
Consult Dr. J C Chaudhry for your psychic number and destiny number calculations
Friendly Numbers of Psychic & Destiny Number
Psychic Number
The Date of Birth is the Psychic number, also called as Driver number.
- Psychic number is important for planning day-to-day activities of life.
- The Psychic number tells about a person’s strengths and weaknesses.
How to Find Psychic Number Based on Date of Birth?
A person’s birthdate is taken for Psychic number calculation. For example, a person who is born on 19 /02/1991; his Psychic number will be:
* 1+9=10=1+0=1
Date of Birth Numerology Consultation
Destiny Number
The sum of Date, Month, and Year of Birth is the Destiny number, also called Conductor number or Life Path number.
- Destiny number is used while doing long term planning, such as selecting the date of marriage, buying house, favourable career option, selecting friends, business partners, etc.
- Destiny number is more concerned with the past karmas done by a person.
How to Find Destiny Number Based on Date of Birth?
Take a person’s full date of birth in the format (DD/MM/YYY). Add the digits and reduce it to a single number, which will be the person’s Destiny number.
For example, a person was born on 19 /02/1991; his Destiny number will be:
* 1+9+2+1+9+9+1= 32= 3+2=5
Number Representation is Psychic/Destiny Number
Learn and Calculate Numerology Yourself