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Weekly Numerology Predictions by J C Chaudhry from 21st June to 27th June, 2021

  • Published 16 Jun 2021
  • Last Updated 23 Jun 2021
  • Read Time 3 mins

Make sure to read your exclusive personalized weekly predictions By J C Chaudhry

Numeroscope (21st June - 27th June 2021)

Numerology Predictions for Psychic number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.  Click to Tweet 

Weekly Numerology Predictions by J C Chaudhry from 21st June to 27th June, 2021

Number 1

People born on 1, 10, 19 & 28 of any month adds up to number 1. You are ruled by Sun. June’s single number is 6. So, this month will be an average for you. You may expect a new friendship which may prove a source of pleasure for you and may feel positivity around you. 


Lucky dates- 21, 23, 25, 27 June
Lucky colour- Red/Orange


Number 2

People born on 2, 11, 20 & 29 of any month sums up to number 2. You are ruled by Moon. June’s single number is 6. So, this month will be an average for you. Your finance-related issues will be resolved this week. But you need to think wisely about any further investments. 

Lucky dates- 25, 26 June
Lucky colour- White


Number 3

People born on 3, 12, 21 & 30 of any month totals up to number 3. You are ruled by Jupiter. June’s single number is 6. So, this month will be lucky for you. You may find pleasure in the appreciation of arts, particularly in literature. Overall, you will have a relaxed week.

Lucky dates – 21, 24, 26, 27 June
Lucky colour- Yellow


Number 4

People born on 4, 13, 22 & 31 of any month add up to number 4. You are ruled by Uranus. June’s single number is 6. So, this month will be lucky for you. You should try to bring out the ideas that you have been fostering. It’s time to express them or prepare a campaign that will bring results in the future.

Lucky dates- 23, 25, 27 June
Lucky colour- Grey

Number 5

People born on 5, 14 & 23 of any month add up to Number 5. You are ruled by Mercury. June’s single number is 6. So, this month will be lucky for you. There are good chances of improvement in employment situations, provided you are ready to be advanced.

Lucky dates- 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 June
Lucky colour- Green


Number 6

People born on 6, 15 & 24 of any month add up to number 6. You are ruled by Venus. June’s single number is 6. So, this month will be an average for you.You should try to enhance the beauty of your surroundings, as the vibrations are favourable. Get some time for family bonding as well.

Lucky date- 21 June
Lucky colour- White and Light Blue


Number 7

People born on 7, 16 & 25 of any month add up to number 7. You are ruled by Neptune. June’s single number is 6. So, this month will be an average for you. The more serious aspects of life will probably have a stronger appeal for you than temporary pleasures.

Lucky dates- Average Week
Lucky colour - Smoky Brown/ Grey Green


Number 8

People born on 8, 17 & 26 of any month add up to number 8. You are ruled by Saturn.  June’s single number is 6. So, this month will be lucky for you. Yoga, Meditation and experiencing peace can provide you with inner strength and power.

Lucky date- 21 June
Lucky colour- Black/ Dark Blue


Number 9

People born on 9, 18 & 27 of any month add up to number 9. You are ruled by Mars. June’s single number is 6. So, this month will be lucky for you. You should plan to visit any musical concert or plan to go for a picnic.

Lucky dates- 21, 22, 27 June
Lucky colour- Red


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