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The Impact of Numerology on Name Change

  • Published 24 Jul 2024
  • Last Updated 24 Jul 2024
  • Read Time 6 mins

Names are more than just tags; they are our initial introduction to the world and a fundamental part of our identity. They possess a distinct vibration that can affect our character, connections, and life direction. Numerology, an ancient practice exploring numbers and their significance, proposes that the numerical value of a name can influence one's destiny. This belief led many individuals to consider name changes based on numerology principles.

The Significance of Your Name

Our name is more than just a combination of letters; it carries an energetic frequency that can impact our thoughts, behavior, & even our relationships. In numerology, each letter is assigned a specific numerical value, and these values, when added together, give us a unique number called the “name number.” This number holds significant meaning and insights into our personality and life path.

Calculating Your Name Number

Name number :It  is calculated by summing up the numerical values assigned to each letter in a person's name.

As per Chaldean numerology, there are the numbers assigned to the alphabets

Let us take an example of a hypothetical person named Shilpa Arora having date of birth as 20 May 1991( 20/5/1991)

SHILPA                                            ARORA
351381                                             12721
=3 (3+5+1+3+8+1=21=3)                  = 4(1+2+7+2+1=13=4)
= 3                        + 4

Therefore the Name number for Shilpa Arora is 7

The Significance of Numbers

In numerology, numbers derived from your date of birth hold great significance. They provide insights into various aspects of your personality and life journey. These numbers.

There are two primary numbers:

Psychic Number (Birth Date Number):This number reveals your traits, strengths, weaknesses, and natural abilities.

Destiny Number (Life Path Number):The Destiny Number signifies your life's purpose, potential challenges, and overall direction.

Calculating Psychic number and Destiny Number

The date of birth of Shilpa Arora is 20/5/1991.

Psychic number(Birth date number): It is calculated by adding your birth date until we get a single digit.  


Destiny number(Life path number): It is calculated by adding together all the digits of your date of birth (date, month, and year) until a single digit is obtained. 

=2(2+0) +5+2(1+9+9+1=20=2)

So, Shilpa Arora Date of birth is represented here as 2/9

Understanding Compatibility Between Name Number, Psychic Number & Destiny Number.

In order to check compatibility, we have to check the relationship between these numbers.

Relation of Psychic number and Name number: If the psychic number and name number are friendly, then it indicates a harmonious alignment between your inherent traits (psychic number) and the energetic vibrations associated with your name. 

For example: In Shilpa Arora's case, Psychic number 2 and Name number 7 are compatible, indicating a synergy between her personality traits and the qualities represented by her name

Relation of Destiny number and Name number: The compatibility between your Destiny number and Name number reveals how your name's energy resonates with your life's goals and aspirations.

For example: In Shilpa Arora's case, Destiny number 9 and Name number 7 are not compatible, indicating a potential mismatch between the energy of her name and her life's intended path.

Relation of Psychic number and Destiny number: The connection between the Psychic number and Destiny number provides understanding of how your natural traits (psychic number) correspond with your life's journey and purpose (destiny number).

For example: In Shilpa Arora's case, Destiny number 9 and Psychic number 2 are compatible, indicating that the natural characteristics align well with her life's direction and goals.

What to Do if Your Name Number is not harmonious?

If your name number doesn't harmonize well with your psychic number or destiny number, consulting with a numerologist like Dr. J C Chaudhry can provide guidance. Numerology suggests that when there's disharmony between these numbers, it may affect various aspects of your life, including personality traits, relationships, and opportunities.

Numerologists analyze these numbers to understand how they interact and influence each other. They may recommend adjustments to your name, such as adding or removing letters, to align more closely with your desired outcomes. This process is believed to realign the energetic vibrations associated with your name, potentially leading to positive changes in your life path and experiences.

How Changing Your Name Can Benefit You?

Changing your name in accordance with numerological principles can offer several potential benefits:

Enhanced Confidence: A name that resonates with your core energy can boost your confidence and empower you to pursue your goals. 

Aligning with Your Life Path: A name that aligns with your numerological profile can bring a sense of purpose and direction to your life, allowing you to fulfill your potential.

Enhanced Communication Skills: The positive energy associated with a harmonious name number may improve your communication skills, allowing you to connect with others on a deeper level.

Improved Decision-Making: A harmonious name may help clarify your thoughts and enhance intuition, aiding in better decision-making processes.

Personal Fulfillment: Changing your name is seen as a step towards personal growth and self-actualization, supporting you in living a more fulfilling life.

Harmonious Relationships: A name change aligned with numerological principles may build harmonious relationships by enhancing empathy and understanding in interpersonal interactions.

You can refer to this blog to know more about the effect of name change.


Q1 How can I know if my current name is in harmony with my numerological profile? 

Ans. You can consult Dr. J C Chaudhry, an expert numerologist  to analyze your current name's numerical value & its alignment with your Psychic and Destiny numbers. Dr. J C Chaudhry  will analyze and provide valuable insights into whether your current name supports your life path and goals optimally.

Q2 Can changing my name really alter my life path? 

Ans. According to numerology, changing your name can potentially alter your life path by aligning the energetic vibrations associated with your name (name number) more closely with your life's goals and aspirations (destiny number). 

Q3 What are the different methods of changing my name in numerology? 

Ans. Numerologists may recommend various methods to change your name in accordance with numerological principles. This could include adding or removing letters to achieve a more harmonious name number that resonates with your psychic and destiny numbers. Some numerologists may also suggest incorporating specific sounds or phonetic vibrations that align with your desired outcomes.

Q4 Can numerology predict specific events or outcomes based on my name number? 

Ans. Numerology primarily provides insights into personality traits, strengths, challenges, and potential life paths based on the vibrational energies associated with your name number. While it can offer guidance on tendencies and influences, it does not predict specific events or outcomes with certainty.

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