How to Select your Baby Name as Per Numerology?
- Published 22 Apr 2021
- Last Updated 14 Feb 2024
- Read Time 3 mins
Parents often buy expensive gifts and toys for their children to make them happy. But do you know what is the best gift for your child? The best gift for your child is the Name that you give him. Once your child has the correct name, he gets the capability of buying anything in his life.
Having a right name makes a lot of difference in your child’s life. Now, here comes the question how to find a lucky name for the baby. With the help of Numerology, you may calculate the lucky name number for your baby.
How to find a Lucky Name Number?
To calculate the lucky name number, you must know the Psychic number and Destiny number of your child. A lucky name will be one, which is compatible to both; Psychic number and Destiny number of the baby.
Let’s take an example where Psychic number is 4 and Destiny number is 3.
Now, number 4 and 3 both are not friendly to each other. They are anti numbers.
So, in this case it becomes more important to select a name number which is friendly to both these numbers.
If we select number 1 as name number, then it is friendly to both numbers 4 and 3.
Similarly, 9 is also friendly to numbers 4 and 3.
So, we can select any name, whose number either comes to 1 or 9.
If you don’t know the friendly or unfriendly numbers to each number, check out table given in this blog post– Find Your Personal Year Number.
To calculate the name numbers, you must know the value of each Alphabet. Consider the below table for values assigned to each Alphabet as per Chaldean Numerology system.

Let’s assume if select the name “Ajay” for this child and the Surname is Bhatiya
So, we will calculate the Name number for Ajay Bhatiya.
In Ajay, the value of A is 1, value of J is 1, Value of Y is 1, again the Value of A is 1. So, total will be 4.
In Bhatiya, the value of B is 2, value of H is 5, Value of A is 1, Value of T is 4, Value of I is 1, Value of Y is 1 and again Value of A is 1. So, total will be 14. Single number will be 1+4=5.
1 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1
=4 =14= 5
As we checked above name number 9 will be friendly to the baby’s Psychic and Destiny number. So, Ajay Bhatiya can prove a lucky name for the child’s future as name number 9 will create good vibration and harmony with the Psychic and Destiny number.
So, apply this name numerology method, to check the name number compatibility for your new born. Let us know if you find any difficulty or having any further query related to your child’s future.
You may also Download our FREE JC Nummerro App to check the Child Name & Date of Birth Compatibility. This app will also tell you the lucky name numbers and Name Characters for the child.
Ask your Question for a Lucky Baby Name
Book an appointment with Dr. J C Chaudhry to know the lucky name of your child.
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Dear Sir,
My son is born on 13/03/2021, unfortunately the situation is 4 psycic/3 destiny 4/3.. I need your help to get a good name for my son.
You can book appointment for baby name numerology here:
Hlo sir,
After total sum of name and surname numbers my total is 10.Does it concidered as 1+0=1 or 10 number have another meaning?
It is considered as 1. We always reduce it to a single number. 10=1+0= 1
Sir , My psychic number 4 and Lifepath number 4
1st name + middle name + last name = 61 = 7
1st name = 1
In your video, you told 7 is not a good name number
But 7 is friendly to 4
Should I change name ?
Please guide me Sir
For Numerology consultation you can book an appointment here:
My daughter d. O. B is 29.04.2022 . We selected TUVARAGA. M , is this OK for her psychic and destiny no?
You can check your child's compatibility using the FREE JC Nummerro APP under the Your Relationship tab
Dear Sir,
In your video lecture 4, the importance of name initial letter.
Example RAJESH =8 Starts with R =8 . If Rajesh's Physics is 9 Destiny is 8.
Means he is already have Saturn 8 effect in his life. Will it be wise to keep such a name for 9/8 or 8/9 person ?
Supose full name= Rajesh Shaini = 17 +16= 33
= 8 + 7 =15=6
In this case since full name no is 6 and 6 is friendly to Psychic and Destiny number then the name Rajesh is considered good or the power of 33 is weak?
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Hi Sir, small suggestion
looking for a child name which suits to Physic and Destini as we selected the name already.
We are south people who uses Surname as prefix or Initials.
Should we need to do calculation including surname or Initials ?
For calculation, the whole name is used. So, yes, the surname will be considered for calculation
Dear Sir
During which time name changing will be good?
Now I am going through Sadhe Sati. Does it affect name initial letter or entire name if name change done during this time?
Life no also 8 day no 18 .
You may book an appointment for name correction/name change services :
My daughter is born on 22/09/2022 time at 10.21 am .I need your help to get a good name for my daughter .please suggest
You may ask your question for baby name suggestion:
Dear Sir , My Daughter Date Of Birth Is 23/07/2018, Pleases Suggest Me Name No Which Is Best
You may ask your baby name suggestions via our Ask Your Question:
I want to check my new spelling is it right (Ekanssh Siingh) and also I'm booking a new flat is b702 right
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Hi, My wife will be delivered in the month of June, nost probably around June 15th. Is there a way we can decide name well in advance before birth? In muslims, we need to decide a name on the day of birth so I might not have enough time, so I want to do it well in advance. Please advise.
Yes, you can. You may ask your question and receive a personalised answer within a week's time.
My son's DOB is 25.04.2011. His full name is Jishnu Chowdhury. Is it lucky for him?
DOB: 25.4.2011
Psychic Number/Birth Number is 7 (2+5)
Destiny Number/Life Path Number is 6 (2+5+4+2+0+1+1= 15=6)
Number 7 and Number 6 vibrates in harmoniously to each other.