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Guiding Children Through Emotional Challenges: Advice for Parents

  • Published 22 Feb 2023
  • Last Updated 25 Feb 2025
  • Read Time 5 mins

There are several stages of life (infancy, toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age). Every stage of life is beautiful and crucial for human development, but adolescence is most important. It is a period of rapid physical, psychological, and social transformations. This brings about a change in the way a person thinks, feels, and interacts. Many children find it difficult to adapt to the internal and external changes. As a result, they are more vulnerable to mental, emotional, and spiritual problems.

● Globally, it is estimated that around 13% of the adolescent population suffers from mental health conditions.

● Depression, anxiety and, behavioral disorders are common among teens.

● Suicide is a leading cause of death among the young generation.

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A healthy mind-body balance at this stage can help children navigate through challenging times with ease. As parents, you can best prepare your child to deal with social issues. Your assistance can make a huge difference. Sometimes, parents are clueless on how to help children come out of traumatic experiences or feel uncomfortable sharing experiences with them.

Here are a few suggestions for parents on how they can prepare their children for the tough times ahead. These listed tips will help your kid develop resilience, self-esteem, emotional stability, etc.

1) Converse Openly with Your Child

Converse with your child


As a parent, what kind of relationship do you have with your child? Is it a friendly or a strict relationship? It is important to have a friendly relationship with your child in order to have open communication with him/her. Make your child feel comfortable so that they start sharing their feelings and experiences. When you communicate with them, you can guide them on how to deal with life’s adverse situations. Conversations will also help strengthen the bond. When children do not communicate with their parents or are shy about sharing their problems, they often seek help outside, which may not be in their best interest. Do not yell at them or make them feel bad about their mistakes as parents. Lend your ears, be supportive, and guide them in the right direction in a considerate manner.

2) Include Spiritual Practices in Your Child’s Routine

yoga and meditation for children


There are several reports that indicate that youth lead stressful lives. As per Dr. J C Chaudhry’s 2023 predictions, this year will be emotionally weak for the young generation. Spiritual activities are an excellent way to clear the mind of negative thoughts, develop compassion, and bring emotional stability. Encourage your children to perform yoga, meditation, nature walks, therapy, and other mindful activities. Practice it yourself to motivate your children to adopt the habit.

3) Give a Thriving Environment to Your Child

Give happy home atmosphere to children


The environment in which your child grows directly affects his/her mental health. If, as parents, you are always quarreling, being harsh with your child, or depriving the children of love and care due to your busy schedules, your children will start to feel lonely and depressed. Make sure you give your children a thriving environment. Make sure there is peace at home, try to resolve conflicts with your partner amicably, spend time with your children, and look after their mental health along with their physical health.

4) Observe Signs & Support Your Child

Support your child in stress and depression


It’s normal for everyone to feel sad, but prolonged sadness is a warning sign. As a parent, it is your duty to observe your child’s daily routine and behaviour to detect symptoms. If your child prefers to be alone, if his/her appetite has decreased, if he/she is uninterested in work, if he/she engages in substance abuse, and so on, then he/she is suffering from poor mental health. Seek medical help for your child and support him/her thoroughly to follow the treatment plan and other activities and bring him/her out of the condition. 

5) Safety Planning for Your Child

do safety planning for your child


It is scary to think of your child committing suicide. If your child has stress or any mental health issue, make your home a safe place and rule out all possible chances of suicidal actions. Remove all sharp tools, chemicals, or medicines from your home. Identify the warning signs, like staying behind closed doors, receiving notes hinting at suicidal action, etc. Do not leave your child alone in such a condition.

Psychological and emotional health is equally important as physical health. With rising rates of suicide, depression, and anxiety among children of all ages, as parents, it is necessary to provide comprehensive care for your child. Nourish and nurture their mind with positivity, and see them bloom to their full potential. 

Listen to Motivational Podcast by Dr. J C Chaudhry for Leading a Happy and Successful Life. Click Now

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