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In conversation with one of India’s top Numerologist, JC Chaudhry

  • Published 03 Nov 2021
  • Last Updated 05 Apr 2024
  • Read Time 4 mins

If you have deep interest in numerology and have qualities of service and lack of greed, then the intuitions start coming up. A good numerologist develops deep intuitive powers. 

God built the universe on numbers’, said the ancient Greek Philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras. And a proponent of this vision is JC Chaudhry, one of the most well-known names in education and entrepreneurship in India. His lifelong passion for ancient wisdom and numerology made us speak to him on International Numerology Day. Below are a few excerpts:


Q How important is numerology, and what are the ways in which it can impact human life?

Numerology is the science of numbers through which we can predict almost everything about any person in any field. We can come to know about the health and wealth of a person, career and business prospects, reasons for failures and losses in life, and also about their relationships with different people and what the future holds for them.


Q Are there variations between Indian, Chinese and Western numerology?

Yes, there are variations. The numerical value of English alphabets differ in all three systems. There are a few alphabets whose numbers are different like in Chaldean system, the value of C is 3, X is 5 and H is 5, whereas according to Kabballah system, the value of X is 6, H is 8, and C is 6. Therefore, the calculations will vary. The Chinese mostly believe in ‘Lo Shu Grid’. According to them, the universe is made up of five elements that are water, wood, metal, fire, and earth.


Q Could you share with us a couple of your experiences that enhanced your conviction in the mystical influence of numbers in this branch of science

I am the best example of this influence. I started learning numerology in 1984. After three years, i.e. in 1986, I found that my date of birth is wrong and doesn’t match at all with any of my activities. In the past, based on my qualities and happenings, I calculated a particular date which was most appropriate for me. I also enquired in different places to get my exact date of birth. Finally, in the records of the office of CMO (Chief Medical Officer) of the area, I could find the correct date of birth which was the same that I had calculated with my experience. That increased my confidence and conviction in this science.

Secondly, if you have deep interest in numerology and have qualities of service and lack of greed, then the intuitions start coming up. A good numerologist develops deep intuitive powers. Let me share an incident. In 1993, I was travelling from Haridwar to Delhi. Nearly 80 kilometres before reaching home, I had an intuition that a yellow coloured envelope in the letter box would contain my interview letter for the post of principal and that I was going to be selected if on the letter the date of interview is 12th/21st. When I reached home, there was a yellow envelope in the letterbox with having an interview call letter, and the date was 12th, and finally, I got selected as the principal.

Thus, with these real life experiences, I began to understand there is a deeper realm of existence. A dimension which the ancient mathematician Pythagoras pointed out as “God built the universe on numbers”.


Q How did you envision ‘International Numerology Day’?

A day is celebrated to point out the essential aspects of society like education, peace, health, yoga or any other subject. To understand the importance of numerology and the positivity it brings to life, I believe International Numerology Day will go a long way. It is a science which is about 5000 years old, and people have not understood the nuances and benefits it can bring to their life. There is awareness of this branch of study more in the East than in the West. So bringing together the numerology experts from across the world and having a standardisation will be good. Numerology can also do wonders in terms of enhancing the experience of human life.


Q More and more brands, CEOs, and corporates are taking your numerological consultation. How are you able to help them?

With the help of numerology, it is possible to do the ‘Numerology Audit’ of the staff, thereby showing how many members are lucky for the organisation and how many are not. Moreover, in top management, numerology is used to find if they are suitable for the post are their numbers vibrating with the owner of the company or with the brand? My mission is to create awareness about numerology internationally and in all dimensions of excellence, thereby enhancing human life and its quality. So, if you want someone to guide you on your lucky days, unlucky years and other events in your life and future, who is better than Mr JC Choudhary to contact? To connect for numerological solutions, you can download the JC Nummerro App or email him at support@jcchaudhry.com

Source: India Today

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Mon, 03/07/2022 - 10:37

knowledge related to subject is quite awesome, prediction and videos r quite impressive