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7 Chakras in Human Body

There are mainly 7 chakras in the body. The seven chakras are aligned vertically along the spine. 

How 7 Chakras Work

What is Chakras and Its Meaning

The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit language, meaning wheel. The chakras in the human body are energy points corresponding to different body organs and glands. The chakras cannot be seen but felt and sensed. Chakras are responsible for maintaining the health of the organs and glands they regulate.

Importance of Chakras in Body

Energy is constantly flowing in the body, and chakras are in constant motion; therefore, chakras are also known as wheels of energy. These energy wheels correspond to the nerve system, organs, and psychological, emotional, and spiritual being. For the energy to move freely, the chakras must be opened. If chakras are blocked, the energy does not flow properly, and it gets trapped into the chakras, and you may experience health problems.

7 Chakras & Their Meaning

1 Crown Chakra (Sahasradhara): Crown chakra is violet in colour. It is located at the top of the head and corresponds to the pineal gland. It regulates the brain and its activities. The crown chakra symbols a high seat of consciousness.
2 Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna): The colour of the Third-Eye chakra is Indigo. It is situated at the mid-forehead and corresponds to the pituitary gland. This chakra is the centre of wisdom and intuition.
3 Throat Chakra (Vishudhi): The Throat chakra colour is blue. As the name suggests, it is seated behind the throat and corresponds to the thyroid gland. The throat chakra is concerned with voice and communication.
4 Heart Chakra (Anahata): The Heart chakra is green in colour and is placed near the heart, in the centre of the chest. It regulates the thymus gland. Heart chakra relates to emotions, the ability to love and show compassion.
5 Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): The Solar Plexus chakra colour is yellow and the chakra location is behind the navel. It is associated with the spleen gland. The chakra influences human relationships.
6 Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): The Sacral chakra is orange in colour. It is located in the lower abdomen region of the body. It corresponds to the ovaries/testes gland. The Sacral chakra is the energy centre of creativity and vision.
7 Root Chakra (Muladhara): Red is the Root chakra colour. The root chakra is at the base of the spine and controls adrenal glands. The Root chakra is concerned with a person’s physical and mental state of mind.

Chakra Balancing

Too much energy flow or less energy flow in the chakra leads to an imbalance. An imbalanced chakra does not perform its functions effectively. For example, if the root chakra is imbalance, you may feel troubles like tension, stress, weak immune system. Yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation are three chakra balancing exercises to activate the chakras.

Book Authored by J C Chaudhry

Chakras book authored by J C Chaudhry